Sisters Country Connects

Sisters has a community website with lots of information that will help you be more engaged in Sisters Country!

Hosted by Citizens4Community in collaboration with the Community Website Partnership, this website is a communication and resource hub for all residents of Sisters Country to learn more about their neighbors, foster greater community involvement, encourage local economic activity, and promote greater self-reliance.

The website includes a community calendar, directories, emergency resources and stories. Visit it today and often to stay connected.

Sisters Banner Project

The Sisters Banner Project is an annual initiative of C4C that celebrates local graduating high school seniors. For a few weeks in late spring, Sisters’ downtown lamp posts are adorned with over 100 custom banners – each featuring a student due to graduate from Sisters High School and other local institutions. The project puts Sisters’ hometown and academic pride on full display for both residents and the thousands of travelers who pass through Sisters each day.

The Banner Project was initially launched in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a way to acknowledge and honor graduating students when in-person festivities weren’t feasible. After a one year hiatus, the Project is being relaunched for the Class of 2024!

NOTE: Students and their families can learn more about how to participate in the project by reading our FAQ document.

To make the 2024 Banner Project a reality, C4C has launched a fundraising campaign. We hope to raise $3,500 from the community to cover project costs.

Sisters’ Public Works Department installs a banner for the Class of 2021.

Elementary School Outreach Project

In 2021, the Sisters School District asked Citizens4Community (C4C) to conduct an outreach project with the community. The goal of this project was to collect public input and insight for the best use of the current elementary school building and surrounding property after the completion of the new elementary school.

Learn more about the results of this project!