Thank You—for a Successful Sisters Country Civility Project Kickoff

Citizens4Community salutes Sisters Country residents who joined us at last week's sessions with Rob Karwath of Speak Your Peace to learn about tools that encourage respectful communication and to hear about other cities' experiences with civility projects. The level of attendance and engagement at this inaugural Citizens4Community event series exceeded our expectations!

C4C wants to extend a special thanks to Fire Chief Johnson for providing the meeting site, and to volunteers Barbara Secrest and Toni Landis for ensuring that attendees had a comfortable and nourishing environment to learn and interact in. Also, thank you to Sisters Coffee Company and Hop & Brew for donating beverages and snacks, and to Sisters Folk Festival for providing the amplification system for the speaker.

We also greatly appreciate the many event attendees who filled out feedback forms to provide Citizens4Community with guidance on how to move forward with our Sisters Country Civility Project in partnership with Speak Your Peace. It has been so encouraging to read how much our fellow area residents are wanting C4C to provide additional information and educational resources to improve communication and strengthen our community. The engaging conversations were inspiring and provided hope to many. We are so proud to call ourselves citizens of Sisters Country. 

— The C4C Leadership Team