If You Liked What You Learned From Bryn, and Want to Learn More

 (Or If You Missed Her the First Time...)

During last October's C4C quarterly session, Bryn Hazell, co-founder of the Center for Compassionate Living in Bend, offered Sisters residents a wonderful introduction to the tools of “Nonviolent Communication.” Our local audience learned about effective ways to speak honestly and clearly for their values and to listen to others more intently. Bryn’s talk drew much interest and encouraged thoughtful discussion, so C4C wanted to help get the word out about a rapidly approaching series Bryn will be leading—for anyone who might be interested in learning more.

Bryn’s new series “Communicating for Life” begins Oct. 9 and runs 6-7:45 p.m. for five consecutive Monday evenings—Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30 and Nov. 6—in Bend. Weekly topics will include raising your awareness of your own communication habits, speaking effectively with honesty and kindness, adjusting your listening to better understand others, and connecting with others through conflict. The full-course fee is $65, with a sliding scale available. More information and registration is available through Bryn at bryn@compassionatecenter.org; or you can call 541-350-6517.