Press Release: Awards Will Spotlight the “Unsung Heroes” of Sisters Country

Sisters Country is rich in community spirit – full of citizens, business owners, civic representatives, volunteers, and organizational leaders committed to making Sisters a better place to live, work and play.

But too often, the efforts of these inspiring individuals living among us go unrecognized. The Sisters Country Vision Implementation Team (VIT) wants to change that.

The VIT is excited to announce the 2023 "Unsung Hero Awards."

This initiative aims to recognize and celebrate individuals who have made outstanding, yet under-appreciated, contributions to our community.

The VIT is a multi-stakeholder collaborative dedicated to advancing the goals of the Sisters Country Vision. The Vision is a forward-thinking plan, forged through extensive community engagement in 2018, that lays out 20 key strategies to foster a more prosperous, livable, resilient, and connected community (learn more at

Now, it's time to recognize those who quietly embody the Vision’s core principles. To be eligible for an Unsung Hero Award nomination, candidates must:

  • Live, work, or regularly engage with the Sisters Country community;

  • Be involved in activities aligned with the Vision's focus areas (Prosperous, Livable, Resilient, and Connected Sisters)

  • Be engaged in work that is subjectively underappreciated, unrecognized by the general public, or goes above and beyond the “call of duty.” 

Nominations for the awards are open until November 5, 2023. Four Heroes will be selected – one for each Vision category – and will be celebrated in a future press release and receive a nominal award in recognition of their dedication to the community.

The "Unsung Hero Awards" represent an opportunity to showcase the incredible individuals who make Sisters Country the thriving and vibrant community that it is.

Do you know someone quietly working to make Sisters a more prosperous, livable, resilient, and connected community?

Nominate them today! Nominations due by November 5th, 2023.

More about the Vision implementation team (VIT)

The VIT was formed following completion of the Sisters Country Vision in 2018. Members work together to track and communicate Vision progress, dissolve barriers, locate and secure grant funding to catalyze projects, coordinate community education and events, and maintain strong positive relationships among partner organizations.

The VIT was initially facilitated by Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC), and is currently facilitated by local nonprofit Citizens4Community. Members include COIC; the City of Sisters; Deschutes County; Economic Development Central Oregon (EDCO); Explore Sisters; Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce; Sisters Park & Recreation District (SPRD); Sisters Ranger District; Sisters School District; Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District; one at-large arts and culture representative (currently Sisters Arts Association); two at-large community representatives, and two at-large young adult community representatives.

For press inquiries, please contact:

Kellen Klein
Interim Executive Director, Citizens4Community | (541) 203-0527