6:00 PM18:00

C4C to Host Sisters City Council Candidate Forum

  • 301 South Elm Street Sisters, OR, 97759 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Citizens4Community is set to host the 2016 candidates forum for the City of Sisters on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at the Sisters-Camp Sherman Community Hall. All are invited. The free event runs 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Residents who live within the boundaries of the City of Sisters are encouraged to take this opportunity to ask questions before they complete their ballots and cast their votes for the three open City Council seats.

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5:00 PM17:00

Soaring Toward...Greater Respect: A Foundation for Relationships & Communication

  • Sisters Fire Station Community Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
To see the full-size flyer, simply click on this image.

To see the full-size flyer, simply click on this image.

C4C's next quarterly community-wide event will focus on the topic "Show Respect"—one of the 9 basic tenets of the Sisters Country Civility Project and Speak Your Peace.

During this free event, attendees will gain new ideas about how to foster discussions that lead to better understanding of diverse points of view, and new tools to keep discussions from devolving into blaming, judging and word wars. The event runs 5-8 p.m. Oct. 26 at the Sisters Fire Station Community Hall, 301 S. Elm St., in Sisters.

The evening begins with an introduction to C4C, the Sisters Country Civility Project & the 9 basic tenets of Speak Your Peace—a tool that has been used throughout the country to foster collaboration among individuals, groups and communities.

There will be networking with others in the community from 6-6:30 p.m.; and the skill-building session with this quarter's guest keynote speaker, Bryn Hazell, will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Hazell is an expert in the Nonviolent Communication model and co-founder and a volunteer facilitator/trainer with the Center for Compassionate Living, a 501(c)3 nonprofit in Bend. Using the tools of Nonviolent Communication, she will introduce skills to help us speak honestly and clearly for our values and listen to others in the same way. Attendees will discover new ways to encourage working together—as individuals and a community—to bridge differences and solve problems effectively.

Bryn has been sharing the skills of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), as developed by Marshall Rosenberg, for the past 16 years. She has taught NVC to thousands of people from all walks of life. She also volunteers at Deer Ridge Correctional Institution, a minimum security prison for men in Madras, where she serves on the ProSocial Communication Workgroup and teaches Nonviolent Communication classes.

This Sisters Country Civility Project event is being offered FREE. ALL ARE INVITED. RSVP’s are encouraged at or 541-549-1482.

These ongoing free community events are made possible with generous support from the community and a grant from the Deschutes County Commissioners.


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5:00 PM17:00

C4C's Summer Quarter Information & Skill-Building Session is Set!

  • 301 South Elm Street Sisters, OR, 97759 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for Civility Project updates and a dynamic skill-building session focused on how to give and receive feedback more effectively.

Citizens4Community and the Sisters Country Civility Project will present its Summer Quarter 2016 Information and Skill-Building Sessions from 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District Hall, 301 S. Elm St., in Sisters. All area residents are invited to this FREE event.

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5:15 PM17:15

Civility Project 'Soaring' Toward Sessions on '9+1 Tools' & Listening

Citizens4Community and the Sisters Country Civility Project will present the Spring Quarter 2016 Information and Skill-Building Sessions—“Up, Up & Away...Soaring Toward Better Communication”—from 5:15-8 p.m. Wednesday, April 27, 2016, at the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District Hall, 301 S. Elm St, in Sisters. All area residents are invited.

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5:00 PM17:00

C4C's All-Community Presentation on Speak Your Peace

Completed. Local residents joined the Citizens4Community steering committee as Rob Karwath, national spokesperson for the Speak Your Peace initiative, shared how the SYP Civility Project has been adopted by dozens of communities throughout the nation. In 2003, the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation launched Speak Your Peace as a community-building initiative. It seeks to improve the level of civic discourse to strengthen communities and help them respond to challenges and opportunities. Rob shared stories of how other communities have adapted the SYP project to encourage respectful dialogue.

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12:00 PM12:00

Speak Your Peace: Nonprofit Organization Presentation

  • Sisters Fire Station, Community Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Completed. Residents joined the Citizens4Community steering committee as we brought national Speak Your Peace (SYP) spokesperson, Rob Karwath, to Sisters to share how the SYP Civility Project has helped dozens of U.S. communities to encourage civil dialogue.

Approximately 80 board members and staff for nonprofit organizations, churches and governmental entities attended.

A complimentary sandwich lunch was provided by Melvin's and coffee was donated by Sisters Coffee Company.

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7:30 AM07:30

C4C's Service Club Presentation on Speak Your Peace

Completed. Kiwanis Club of Sisters hosted this Speak Your Peace (SYP) presentation for Sisters Service Club members.

Rob Karwath, national Speak Your Peace spokesperson for the Duluth/Superior Area Community Foundation, shared specifics on the SYP Civility Project created by the Duluth Superior Community Foundation in 2003 and adopted in communities across the nation.

Approximately 50 members of Kiwanis and Rotary were among those in attendance at the event, held at Aspen Lakes Lodge.

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