Community Input Results for the Future of the Current Elementary School
The Sisters School District asked Citizens4Community (C4C) to conduct an outreach project with the community. The goal of this project was to collect public input and insight for the best use of the current elementary school building and surrounding property after the completion of the new elementary school.
C4C created a survey that was open to the public during the months of January and February. This survey generated ideas from the public and helped indicate the viability of and interest in a number of previously discussed ideas. Over 600 Sisters Country residents participated in this initial survey.
Later in the spring, the public had a chance to review survey results, help prioritize ideas further, ask questions, and discuss the viability and cost of the most supported future uses. During this spring meeting, several community members indicated they would like demographic information about those who had participated in the survey. This demographic survey was sent to those who had taken the first survey and roughly 30% of original survey takers participated in sharing demographics.
C4C presented a report at the May Sisters School Board meeting and submitted the findings of the demographic survey to key stakeholders (Sisters School District, Sisters Park and Recreation District, and The City of Sisters).
Ultimately, the final decision regarding the site's future will lie with the School Board elected by this community.
Map and Floorplan
Elementary Site Map (yellow area designated for future roundabout on highway)
Elementary School Floorplan