4:00 PM16:00

Community Builder Coalition Meeting

* Add me to the Community Builders Coalition invitation list *

What is a Community Builder?

Are you looking for a way to be more engaged in Sisters Country? Do you have time, energy and/or expertise to help address emerging issues in your community? If so, then Community Builders could be the perfect group for you!

We're looking for people who want to join this active and dynamic group of individuals and organizations addressing key issues and urgent needs in Sisters Country. Meetings are currently held via Zoom on the third Wednesday of each month and are facilitated by C4C.


C4C IS DEDICATED TO FURTHERING CIVILITY, COLLABORATION AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT IN SISTERS COUNTRY. We offer tools and opportunities to encourage respectful communication and to build trust.

To join us for this approximately 60-minute discussion, simply click on link and give us your contact information. We’ll send you a link each month.

* Add me to the Community Builders Coalition email list *


Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. We are dedicated to furthering civility, collaboration and civic engagement in Sisters Country. We offer tools and opportunities—like our monthly Let’s Talk series—to encourage respectful local discussions and to build trust and better understanding around local topics of interest.

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10:00 AM10:00

FREE WORKSHOP: The Science of Being Happy and Productive at Work (and in Life)

* RSVP for this workshop*

The Science of Being Happy and Productive at Work (and in Life)

by Happy Brain Science for C4C and the Greater Sisters Community

Studies show that happier people are more productive, creative, insightful, engaged, and resilient. They are also healthier and more sociable. Grounded in solid scientific data, this award-winning presentation covers dozens of actionable techniques to increase job (and life) happiness, organized around the themes of stress, goals, attitude, and relationships. Gain specific strategies to…

  • Effectively cope with stressful times

  • Reboot your workflow for increased focus and creativity

  • Invest in higher-quality relationships

  • Develop and sustain happiness

…and more! Organizations such as Dreamworks, Google, The National Park Service, Nike, Intel, HP, Kaiser-Permanente, Boeing, NOAA, and NBC have repeatedly delivered this session to their people. It's your turn!


C4C IS DEDICATED TO FURTHERING CIVILITY, COLLABORATION AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT IN SISTERS COUNTRY. We offer tools and opportunities to encourage respectful communication and to build trust.

To join us for this approximately 90-minute workshop, simply click on link and give us your contact information.

* RSVP for this workshop *


Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. We are dedicated to furthering civility, collaboration and civic engagement in Sisters Country. We offer tools and opportunities—like our monthly Let’s Talk series—to encourage respectful local discussions and to build trust and better understanding around local topics of interest.

Among our activities, we are helping to promote and implement discussions and activities that align with the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan. The plan consists of 20 key strategies that were voted on and prioritized by the community to support a more Prosperous, Livable, Resilient and Connected Sisters Country.

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6:00 PM18:00

Let’s Talk! about the Future of the Current Elementary School


Let’s Talk! about the Future of the Current Elementary School

Citizens4Community invites the community for a Let’s Talk! panel discussion 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, November 15th.

Panelists and attendees will learn about the current building site, ownership, zoning, and past exploration into repurposing the building. Participants will will have a chance to ask questions and share thoughts.

This Let’s Talk! discussion is the first in a series of outreach projects C4C will undertake in partnership with the Sisters School District in obtaining community input guiding the future of the current elementary school.

C4C IS DEDICATED TO FURTHERING CIVILITY, COLLABORATION AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT IN SISTERS COUNTRY. We offer tools and opportunities to encourage respectful communication and to build trust.

We hope to see you at this informative and engaging Zoom (online) discussion. To receive an invitation with a Zoom link, simply RSVP to

To join us for this approximately 90-minute discussion, simply click on the RSVP below.

You will receive the Zoom link the day of the event.


(Let’s Talk! is Free, but we ask that you RSVP by clicking on one of the RSVP links above, so we can send you the Zoom link.)


Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. We are dedicated to furthering civility, collaboration and civic engagement in Sisters Country. We offer tools and opportunities—like our monthly Let’s Talk series—to encourage respectful local discussions and to build trust and better understanding around local topics of interest.

Among our activities, we are helping to promote and implement discussions and activities that align with the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan. The plan consists of 20 key strategies that were voted on and prioritized by the community to support a more Prosperous, Livable, Resilient and Connected Sisters Country.

• You can read about how Let’s Talk began HERE>>

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6:00 PM18:00

Let’s Talk! Child Care in Sisters


Let’s Talk! Why Is It So Hard To Find Child Care in Sisters?

Citizens4Community invites the community for a Let’s Talk! panel discussion 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, October 18th.

Panelists and attendees will share about the challenges and possible solutions to the child care crisis in Sisters and the surrounding area. This issue is broad reaching, from family life to the workforce and the economy.

Speaking on our panel will be Brenda Comini from the Central Oregon Early Learning Hub, Karen Prow from NeighborImpact, and Becca Ellis from ReVillage, a cooperative learning center in Bend. We also plan to have a local care giver share about there experiences here in Sisters Country.

C4C IS DEDICATED TO FURTHERING CIVILITY, COLLABORATION AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT IN SISTERS COUNTRY. We offer tools and opportunities to encourage respectful communication and to build trust.

We hope to see you at this informative and engaging Zoom (online) discussion. To receive an invitation with a Zoom link, simply RSVP to (You will receive the Zoom link a day or two before the event.)

To join us for this approximately 90-minute discussion, simply click on the RSVP below.

You will receive the Zoom link the day of the event.


(Let’s Talk! is Free, but we ask that you RSVP by clicking on one of the RSVP links above, so we can send you the Zoom link.)


Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. We are dedicated to furthering civility, collaboration and civic engagement in Sisters Country. We offer tools and opportunities—like our monthly Let’s Talk series—to encourage respectful local discussions and to build trust and better understanding around local topics of interest.

Among our activities, we are helping to promote and implement discussions and activities that align with the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan. The plan consists of 20 key strategies that were voted on and prioritized by the community to support a more Prosperous, Livable, Resilient and Connected Sisters Country.

• You can read about how Let’s Talk began HERE>>

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6:00 PM18:00

Let’s Talk! Navigating These Difficult Times Together


Let’s Talk! Navigating These Difficult Times Together

"It seems like everyone's about to boil over."

"People are just so rude these days."

"I don't know if I can hold it together much longer."

We are living in difficult times and we are all feeling the stress. Join C4C and your neighbors from 6-7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 20th for a valuable online community discussion.

We'll make space so you can share your experience if you'd like, and hear from other participants as well. We'll also provide tools and techniques to help you navigate difficult situations and emotions.

"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside you."

--Deepak Chopra

Leading our conversation for the evening will be C4C Board Member Kirstin Anglea. Kirstin is a trained facilitator with the Center for Courage & Renewal, an international organization working to create a more just, compassionate and healthy world by nurturing personal and professional integrity and the courage to act on it. After years of working for educational organizations, Kirstin co-founded Nourish Courage, a consulting business focused on mentoring and coaching teams and individuals who are striving to live and work aligned with their core values.

C4C IS DEDICATED TO FURTHERING CIVILITY, COLLABORATION AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT IN SISTERS COUNTRY. We offer tools and opportunities to encourage respectful communication and to build trust.

We hope to see you at this informative and engaging Zoom (online) discussion. To receive an invitation with a Zoom link, simply RSVP to (You will receive the Zoom link a day or two before the event.)

To join us for this approximately 90-minute discussion, simply click on the RSVP below.

You will receive the Zoom link the day of the event.


(Let’s Talk! is Free, but we ask that you RSVP by clicking on one of the RSVP links above, so we can send you the Zoom link.)


Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. We are dedicated to furthering civility, collaboration and civic engagement in Sisters Country. We offer tools and opportunities—like our monthly Let’s Talk series—to encourage respectful local discussions and to build trust and better understanding around local topics of interest.

Among our activities, we are helping to promote and implement discussions and activities that align with the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan. The plan consists of 20 key strategies that were voted on and prioritized by the community to support a more Prosperous, Livable, Resilient and Connected Sisters Country.

• You can read about how Let’s Talk began HERE>>

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6:00 PM18:00

Let’s Talk! about Perceptions of COVID Vaccinations


Let’s Talk! about Perceptions of COVID Vaccinations

How do you feel about COVID 19 vaccinations? Are you struggling to understand how your viewpoint isn't more widely held by your neighbors?

Then, please join us and others in our community starting at 6 p.m. Monday, June 21 for this timely and valuable online discussion.

This is an opportunity to move beyond stereotypes or preconceived notions and get a better understanding of what divides us and what unites us when it comes to vaccine acceptance or hesitancy. Attendees will have an opportunity to share their thoughts and pose questions. Diverse perspectives are welcome.

To join us for this approximately 90-minute discussion, simply click on the RSVP below.

You will receive the Zoom link the day of the event.


(Let’s Talk! is Free, but we ask that you RSVP by clicking on one of the RSVP links above, so we can send you the Zoom link.)


Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. We are dedicated to furthering civility, collaboration and civic engagement in Sisters Country. We offer tools and opportunities—like our monthly Let’s Talk series—to encourage respectful local discussions and to build trust and better understanding around local topics of interest.

Among our activities, we are helping to promote and implement discussions and activities that align with the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan. The plan consists of 20 key strategies that were voted on and prioritized by the community to support a more Prosperous, Livable, Resilient and Connected Sisters Country.

• You can read about how Let’s Talk began HERE>>

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6:00 PM18:00

Let's Talk! Considers Topic of Long-Term Camping on Public Lands


Let’s Talk will in May be discussing the topic of long-term camping on public lands.

Have you been reading about this hot topic in the Nugget News? Are you wanting to hear more from local experts or maybe looking for an opportunity to share your thoughts or ask questions?

Then, please join us and others in our community starting at 6 p.m. Monday, May 17 for this timely and valuable online discussion, to be held via Zoom.

Guest speakers who are set to share their perspectives at this Let’s Talk include:

• Ian Reid and John Soules from the U.S. Forest Service, Sisters Ranger District;

• Lt. Chad Davis from the Sisters unit of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office; and

• Mandee Seeley, a housing advocate that has experienced houselessness in Sisters. 

Judge Paul Lipscomb will serve as moderator; and diverse perspectives on the evening’s topic are always welcome at Let’s Talk events.

To join us for this approximately 90-minute discussion, simply click on the RSVP below.

You will receive the Zoom link a day or two before the event.


(Let’s Talk! is Free, but we ask that you RSVP by clicking on one of the RSVP links above, so we can send you the Zoom link.)


Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. We are dedicated to furthering civility, collaboration and civic engagement in Sisters Country. We offer tools and opportunities—like our monthly Let’s Talk series—to encourage respectful local discussions and to build trust and better understanding around local topics of interest.

Among our activities, we are helping to promote and implement discussions and activities that align with the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan. The plan consists of 20 key strategies that were voted on and prioritized by the community to support a more Prosperous, Livable, Resilient and Connected Sisters Country.

• You can read about how Let’s Talk began HERE>>

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6:00 PM18:00

Let's Talk! Looks at the Sisters School District General Obligation Bond—April 19


Curious about the School Bond on the May ballot? Want to learn where tax dollars are used in your community? Looking for an opportunity to share your thoughts or ask questions about the school bond? …

We hope you’ll join C4C and your neighbors from 6-7:30 p.m. on April 19th for an informative, engaging online community conversation.

School Superintendent Curtiss Scholl will provide information about the 2021 Sisters School District General Obligation Bond that will be on the ballot in May.  Attendees will have an opportunity to share their thoughts and ask questions related to the topic. Diverse perspectives are welcome.

The conversation will include detailed information about:

  • Construction costs of the new elementary school;

  • Support and maintenance costs associated with the district’s 2016 Master Plan;

  • Data about expected growth within the school district;

  • The effect of the Bond on the local tax rate;

  • How this Bond differs from previous Bond in 2016;

  • … and more.

We hope to see you at this informative and engaging Zoom (online) discussion. To receive an invitation with a Zoom link for April 19th, simply RSVP HERE or below. (You will receive the Zoom link a day or two before the event.)


* Let’s Talk! is free, but we ask that you RSVP (by clicking on one of the RSVP links in this article), so we can prepare and send you the Zoom link in advance of the meeting.

Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. Among our activities, we are helping to promote and implement discussions and activities that align with the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan. The plan consists of 20 key strategies that were voted on and prioritized by the community to support a more Prosperous, Livable, Resilient and Connected Sisters Country.

• You can read about how Let’s Talk began HERE>>

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6:00 PM18:00

Join Us as We Listen to Voices of Youth at the Next Let's Talk—March 15


Are you curious about what’s on the minds of youth in Sisters Country? Do they feel valued by their community? What do they see as their contribution? Do they have unmet needs or wants that we can help address? What are the top concerns of Sisters youth today?

Listen in on a moderated conversation among teens from Sisters High School. Moderator Gail Greaney will lead this important conversation, and as a participant, you will have a front row seat to listen and learn.

We hope you’ll join C4C and your neighbors from 6-7:30 p.m. on Mar. 15th for an informative, engaging online community conversation featuring youth from Sisters High School.

Want a seat at this informative and engaging Zoom (online) discussion. To receive an invitation with a Zoom link for March 15th, simply RSVP HERE or below. (You will receive the Zoom link a day or two before the event.)


* Let’s Talk! is free, but we ask that you RSVP (by clicking on one of the RSVP links in this article), so we can prepare and send you the Zoom link in advance of the meeting.

Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. Among our activities, we are helping to promote and implement discussions and activities that align with the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan. The plan consists of 20 key strategies that were voted on and prioritized by the community to support a more Prosperous, Livable, Resilient and Connected Sisters Country.

• You can read about how Let’s Talk began HERE>>

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6:00 PM18:00

Join Us to Discuss Local Alternative Transportation Options at the Next Let's Talk—Feb. 15


Curious about what’s available or on the horizon as local “smart” transportation options? Or, want to share your ideas about what Sisters’ local alternative transportation priorities should be? …

Local transportation is a key part of fostering livability and well-being in Sisters and a critical aspect of both the Sisters Country Vision and the Sisters Comprehensive Plan Update. …

So we hope you’ll join C4C and your neighbors from 6-7:30 p.m. on Feb. 15th for an informative, engaging online community conversation, titled: "Alternative & Active Transportation Options in Sisters Country."

Sisters Country Vision Implementation Team (VIT)-member Bob Bryant is set to moderate/facilitate the event. He is one of three, new community at-large members for the Sisters VIT, and he was with Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for 35 years. Bob also serves on Central Oregon’s Regional Public Transportation Advisory Committee; and he helped ODOT oversee public input processes for two key Sisters transportation projects—the Barclay Roundabout and the Cascade Avenue Improvement Project.

The conversation will include:

  • Learning about various transportation alternatives and active transportation options that exist in Sisters Country today;

  • Discussing existing challenges and barriers that might discourage a robust shift to transportation alternatives and commute options; and

  • Exploring new ideas and hearing YOUR thoughts and priorities. For example: How might the City and its transportation partners create incentives that reduce our dependence on single-occupancy vehicle trips? And: How might more active transportation options benefit public wellness, and help begin to bring down trending medical care costs?

The guest panel currently is set to include:

  • Vikki Hickmann, a public health and alternative transportation advocate;

  • Annie Marland, an Age Friendly Sisters Country/STARS (rides for seniors) program representative;

  • Brian Potwin, a representative from Commute Options, which seeks to promote safe, healthy communities through smart transportation options in central and eastern Oregon; and

  • Scot Davidson, a Sisters resident involved in construction and growth planning and a bicycling infrastructure advocate.

We hope to see you at this informative and engaging Zoom (online) discussion. To receive an invitation with a Zoom link for Feb. 15th, simply RSVP HERE or below. (You will receive the Zoom link a day or two before the event.)


* Let’s Talk! is free, but we ask that you RSVP (by clicking on one of the RSVP links in this article), so we can prepare and send you the Zoom link in advance of the meeting.

Citizens4Community is a non-partisan and non-political organization. Among our activities, we are helping to promote and implement discussions and activities that align with the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan. The plan consists of 20 key strategies that were voted on and prioritized by the community to support a more Prosperous, Livable, Resilient and Connected Sisters Country.

• You can read about how Let’s Talk began HERE>>

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6:00 PM18:00

Let’s Talk! Looks at Building Trust and 'Social Capital' in 2021

Citizens4Community invites Sisters Country to ring in the new year with a robust, Let’s Talk! panel discussion 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 18.

This Let’s Talk! will explore the idea of “social capital” and how it relates to the health and welfare of communities, especially rural communities like Sisters.

Diverse perspectives are welcome as we discuss ways Sisters Country does (or can) come together to identify and pursue common goals, despite any differences that could divide the community. READ MORE…

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