Each year, C4C dedicates a small pool of funding to help catalyze community-led actions aligned with the Sisters Country Vision. The Vision is a "guiding light" for our community – developed through a community-led process, and currently implemented by a collaborative team of local agencies, organizations, businesses, and individuals committed to a better future for Sisters.
Specifically, the Vision lays out goals and aspirations for Sisters Country across four overarching themes:
Prosperous Sisters – Boosting and sustaining the community prosperity of Sisters Country.
Connected Sisters – Creating opportunities for community members to connect, collaborate, and support one another.
Resilient Sisters – Keeping Sisters Country safe, supporting our neighbors, and being prepared for future challenges.
Livable Sisters – Making Sisters Country more livable for all and improving local amenities.
True to their name, C4C's Momentum Grants are designed to build community-driven momentum toward the realization of these objectives. Through the generosity of the Ford Family Foundation, and in partnership with the Vision Implementation Team (VIT), C4C was able to award a total of $6,000 (up to $1,250 per entity) this year to local organizations, businesses, and individuals engaged in Vision-aligned programs and services.
The grant selection committee included five individuals – two C4C board members (Jaclyn Kordell and Jim Barnett), and three VIT members (Angela Seraceno, Eric Strobel, and Steve Swisher). They were charged with identifying grant applicants whose work and goals aligned most strongly with one or more elements of the Sisters Country Vision, and where funding would be most likely to catalyze larger and/or longer-term initiatives benefiting the community.
After thoughtful deliberation, C4C and the Selection Committee are proud to announce our 2023 Momentum Grant recipients:
Seed-To-Table | Seed-to-Table is a Sisters-based non-profit committed to increasing the health and wellness of the Central Oregon community by providing equitable access to locally grown farm-fresh produce, and offering opportunities in farm based education. A cornerstone of our regional food scene, many Sisters residents and visitors enjoy S2T’s bounty of local produce through their summer farmer's market, Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, and other educational programming and events.
C4C's Momentum Grant will support S2T’s Community Engagement programs. The funding will help subsidize S2T’s nonprofit booth at the Sisters Farmer’s Market, ensuring that the market remains a reliable weekly opportunity for patrons to learn about the breadth of community involvement in Sisters and for area nonprofits to connect more deeply with community members. Learn more at https://www.seedtotableoregon.org/.
A student from the Sisters High School Greenhouse Class takes part in seed spreading at Lazy Z Ranch.
Lazy Z Ranch | One of the oldest settled properties in Sisters Country, Lazy Z recently came under the ownership of John and Renee Herman. The Herman's have a bold vision to make their ranch a model of regenerative agriculture and community building, complete with a hive-to-bottle beekeeping operation and on-site meadery.
C4C's grant will support a collaboration between Lazy Z Ranch and the Sisters High School Greenhouse Class, with the goal of establishing a 3-year pilot pollinator and soil health monitoring project on the ranch. Students will receive hands-on training in regenerative farming practices and be critical contributors to restoring biodiverse pollinator habitat on one of our community's most storied properties. Learn more at https://www.lazyzranch.com/.
“We are endlessly thankful for the kind and thoughtful work of C4C in our community, and so honored to have been chosen for a 2023 Momentum Grant! Because of C4C, local students were able to learn first hand about the regenerative farming practice of planting for biodiversity, pollinators, and soil health, and will be tracking the impact through the next 3 seasons.” – John Herman, Co-Owner of Lazy Z Ranch
Special thanks to the Wellhouse students for their adorable thank you cards!
Wellhouse Academy | Wellhouse Academy is a local private Christian school affiliated with Wellhouse Church. Recently, Wellhouse’s preschool program identified a strong interest in increased musical education amongst teachers, parents, students, and community partners, but lacked the in-house resources to leverage this community support.
C4C's grant funds will enable Wellhouse to purchase a classroom set of ukuleles, helping the organization to introduce new music-based curricula and better partner with local musicians eager to share their craft with our youngest community members. Learn more at https://www.wellhouseacademy.com/.
Together For Children | Together For Children is one of Sisters' oldest non-profits, having operated in the community since 1988. The organization's mission is to enhance the lives of children by strengthening families through parent education, parent-child interaction, and community support.
TFC previously partnered with the Sisters Parks and Rec District to offer educational programming and playgroups for local families with children younger than three. Sadly, this initiative had to be curtailed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the organization has been eager to help young families reconnect and build supportive relationships. C4C's grant will support this rebuilding process and help fund the hiring of program facilitators. Learn more at https://www.together-for-children.org/.
Age-Friendly Sisters Country | AFSC is a local non-profit "incubator and accelerator" with a mission to make Sisters livable and accessible for all. A 501(c)(3) non-profit, it serves as a fiscal, administrative, and strategic sponsor for individuals and groups eager to "do good" but lacking the necessary organizational infrastructure to independently fundraise and operate.
C4C's grant will support one of AFSC's newest "action teams" – the Family-Friendly Restroom Team. FFRT believes that every family-friendly establishment deserves a family-friendly restroom, with amenities that enable families, children, and caregivers to have a safe and positive restroom experience. But the team recognizes that procuring such amenities can be cost-prohibitive or lower priority for many small businesses. C4C funding will help FFRT begin offering free diaper changing table procurement and installation to local businesses in Sisters Country. Learn more at https://www.agefriendlysisters.com/family-friendly-restrooms.
Kiwanis Club of Sisters | Kiwanis is another long-standing community institution in Sisters Country. In addition to managing our local food bank, the organization offers regular events, programming, and meeting space in service of their mission to “create opportunities that allow youth and young adults to thrive.”
The Club recently identified the need to upgrade an outdated heating and cooling system in the Kiwanis building on Main Avenue, where the organization hosts all board meetings and broader community events. C4C's grant will help fund the purchase of a new, more energy-efficient heat pump and installation by a trusted local contractor. Learn more at https://sisterskiwanis.org/.
Friendly Agers Bilingual Program | The Friendly Agers Bilingual Program is a regional program in Central Oregon designed to address our current crisis of loneliness and isolation. Through intergenerational outreach and engagement activities, the program aims to increase belonging, prosocial behavior, and resiliency for the most vulnerable members of our population. The program was founded by Claudia Bisso Fetzer, PhD, an accomplished researcher and expert in the field of clinical psychology. Originally from Peru, her work focuses on developing culturally sensitive programs that promote community engagement as a means to foster individual belonging, resiliency, and well-being.
C4C's grant will help Claudia expand FABP to Sisters Country, with a particular focus on building culturally-responsive connections between local youth and elderly citizens. Learn more at https://www.drbissofetzer.com/.
C4C humbly thanks all of our thoughtful applicants.
We are so inspired by the expertise, compassion, and dedication to community building present in Sisters Country, and can’t wait to see the impactful work that comes from our grants and the broader work of our passionate grantees.
C4C anticipates that our next annual Momentum Grant cycle will open in early 2024. Subscribe to our newsletter to be alerted when the application process opens.