In honor of Dr. Brené Brown and our quickly approaching quarterly session, featuring Moe Carrick, today we offer some quotes from Dr. Brown’s book: “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.”
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. ...
...The willingness to show up changes us; it makes us a little braver each time. ...
...Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose … vulnerability is the path.”
As a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator, Moe Carrick utilizes the groundbreaking work of Dr. Brown to help people practice wholeheartedness in their work lives (and benefit from it in their personal lives).
Moe will draw upon the wisdom of Dr. Brown and her own research as she offers the keynote address for C4C’s next free skill-building session, titled: “The Paradox of Connection.” The event runs 5:15-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15, at the Sisters Fire Station Community Hall, 301 S. Elm St., in Sisters.
We’re lucky to have Moe as a Bend-area neighbor and expert in team- and community-building. She is Principal and Founder of Moementum, Inc., based in Bend. A certified B corp, Moementum is an organizational consulting firm dedicated to creating a world that works for everyone. In 2016, Moe was named Woman of the Year by the Bend Chamber; and on Oct. 5 this year, Moementum earned the Chamber's SAGE Business Award for Equity.
A highly sought-after coach and speaker, Moe has engaged audiences across sectors, including at TEDx events, universities, Microsoft, Starbuck’s, Advanced Energy and Nike. Her diverse client portfolio also includes Nintendo, Hydroflask, REI, Prudential Financial and the Nature Conservancy. In addition, she recently co-authored the highly rated book: "Fit Matters: How to Love Your Job."
On Nov. 15, Moe will deliver an interactive, dynamic session she created especially for C4C and the Sisters Country Community. She will offer ideas for fostering meaningful connection in a “highly-connected” world that paradoxically also encourages division, isolation and community disengagement.
As an attendee, you will explore how significant it is to simply “show up” and be present (even when it is really hard), and you will discover what “community” can look like when it is re-defined through the lens of courage, vulnerability and connection.
This customized experience promises to deliver new, hope-filled insights for all of us in community.
“Over the eons, community has created what people need to thrive,” Moe says.
“And yet in our global, digital, politicized and polarized real-world, meaningful connection in community is getting harder and harder to create and enjoy. We feel alone, but we isolate. We have opinions, but we hold them back. We are afraid but crave being with other people.”
What will it take, she queries, for individuals to turn meaningfully again “toward the evolutionary elixir of community” to provide comfort, compassion, inspiration and challenge?
The evening promises to be very thought-provoking, so we’re offering another of our popular “Soup & Civility” light meals at the beginning of the session (starting at 5:15 p.m.). You’ll be able to fuel up on quality food in preparation for the interactive, dynamic keynote by Moe. Special thanks to Ray's Food Place for helping to make this a delicious community-building and networking meal that is free to all. In addition, our thanks go to High Country Disposal for sponsoring this talk, to Pete Rathbun for always being so willing to assist with sound system needs, to the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District for making the community hall available, and to Sisters Coffee Company for generously providing quality beverages for our quarterly events.
As always, all are welcome to attend this free event. If possible, we ask that you RSVP, so we can be sure to have enough food for the "Soup & Civility" portion of the evening. You can RSVP at the event listing on our EVENTS PAGE HERE.
We hope to see you there.
—The C4C Team
Moe Carrick. As a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator, she utilizes the groundbreaking work of Dr. Brené Brown to help people practice wholeheartedness in their work lives (and benefit from it in their personal lives).