It’s an exciting day today—April 14, 2021— as we launch the SHS Class of 2021 Street Banner Project Go Fund Me fundraiser. We hope you’ll join us in supporting this effort and sending off our Sisters High School graduating seniors in style.
UPDATE—April 21, 2021:
Hurray! We've met our fundraising goal!
For all of you who donated, THANK YOU for your generous gift! During this second year of a Banner Project, we continue to be amazed by the outpouring of support for Sisters’ youth, which clearly shows that our community wants to nurture the potential and opportunities for these young people.
Any funds we don’t need for this year’s banner project will go toward efforts which directly support our Sisters students, for example 2021 Grad Night event or other school programs.
You can view the Go Fund Me campaign page << HERE >> or by clicking on the button below.
The banner project began last year as a way to support the Class of 2020 in the wake of COVID-related school closings and the cancellation of multiple end-of-year activities.
This year, C4C is again serving as the official nonprofit host for the project—a joint effort of the high school, C4C and several dedicated boosters including SHS Yearbook Advisor Susie Seaney, parent volunteers Jamie Vohs and Carla Mandal, The City's Public Works crew and Sisters Rodeo.
• You might have seen the feature article about the banner project in The Nugget Newspaper. If not, you can read it << HERE >>...
As you probably know, COVID has also severely impacted the 2020/'21 school year, and our SHS senior class has missed out on fully enjoying what should have been an exciting final year. We think of these senior banners as one way to give a little of that joy and excitement back to the Class of 2021.
During the past year, many community members have told us how much they enjoyed donating to last year's banner project. It was absolutely heartwarming seeing the response to the 2020 fundraiser. So we're offering the community an opportunity to support this fun and meaningful project again.
Plans call for the 100-plus banners first to be displayed starting mid-May at the high school—as an on-campus show of support for the seniors. Then, just before Graduation Week, the banners will be hung from lampposts throughout downtown Sisters.
At C4C, we especially love this community-led project, because addition to honoring students, the banners offer a shining symbol of our hometown spirit for everyone in Sisters—and all who pass through—to enjoy.
Also like last year, after graduation, students will be given their banners as keepsakes and gifts from the community.
Citizens4Community, Black Butte Ranch and local real estate agent Tim Kizziar have each contributed $500 toward the total project budget of $2,850.
That leaves us with an additional $1,350 that we’re hoping to raise during the fundraiser.
C4C is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so any donations are tax deductible.
We appreciate ANY SIZE donation—large or small. And any funds raised beyond our goal will be wholly dedicated to funding efforts that benefit Sisters Country students.
(If you prefer to donate by check, simply put “Banner Project” in your check's memo section and mail it to: Citizens4Community, P.O. Box 2193, Sisters, OR, 97759.)
• You can read about last year’s banner project << HERE >>…
An image taken last year as the 2020 banners were hung. Photo Courtesy of Jerry Baldock/Outlaws Photography