What is a Creative Priority? with MOsley WOtta
3:30 PM15:30

What is a Creative Priority? with MOsley WOtta

C4C is proud to partner with Oregon Humanities to bring their Conversation Project series – and multi-talented regional artist Jason Michael Graham, a.k.a. MOsley WOtta – to Sisters Country this November. This FREE workshop at The Belfry will investigate the relevance of making art during times of personal, communal, or global crisis. (Registration requested)

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You Are Not Alone: Building Community in Sisters Country (C4C Community Forum)
5:30 PM17:30

You Are Not Alone: Building Community in Sisters Country (C4C Community Forum)

  • Sisters Firehouse Community Hall + ONLINE (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

C4C is proud to announce the next event in our bi-annual series of community forums. Co-sponsored by The Nugget newspaper, this FREE, public event will shine a light on the "epidemic of loneliness and isolation" in America, with a focus on how this crisis is impacting the Sisters Country community and citizens.

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Community Builders Meeting: Sisters Woodlands
10:00 AM10:00

Community Builders Meeting: Sisters Woodlands

Join local volunteers, network-weavers, and organizational leaders for C4C’s monthly “Community Builders” meeting. This month’s meeting will be held at The Woodlands – a mixed-use development currently under construction off N. Pine Street, on land formerly owned by the U.S. Forest Service.

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5:00 PM17:00

Next C4C Meetup. All are Welcome!

A casual meet & greet organized by Citizens4Community.

Come meet your neighbors and find new friends! Fun ice breakers in a casual environment. A chance to ask questions about Sisters and get to know a few people at the same time.

Anyone and everyone is welcome!

Please join us at the Meetup at The Barn in Sisters.

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Community Builders Meeting: Connecting Our Community To Coffee Growers
10:00 AM10:00

Community Builders Meeting: Connecting Our Community To Coffee Growers

Do you like to build community? Come join us!

This month:

Jesse Durham | Chief Strategy Officer for Sisters Coffee Company will share.

Founded in 1989 in a small wood cabin, Winfield and Joy started roasting in 5lb batches and were the first roasters to the Central Oregon area.

Today, they have the pleasure of serving guests in three cafes, and they roast 500,000 pounds a year. The business is run by Winfield and Joy’s kids: Justin, Jared, and Jesse.

Come hear Jesse share about the fascinating connection between a popular locally served product and the global farms that it is grown on.

“Our mission is to create an authentic coffee experience built on a deep love for our craft and heartfelt kindness for the people we serve.” Sisters Coffee Company

Our meetings are hybrid events, so please email us at: director@citizens4community.com to let us know if you will need a Zoom link.

Sisters Nugget article about Sisters Coffee Company: Nugget News

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5:00 PM17:00

Next C4C Meetup. All are Welcome!

A casual meet & greet organized by Citizens4Community.

Come meet your neighbors and find new friends! Fun ice breakers in a casual environment. A chance to ask questions about Sisters and get to know a few people at the same time.

Anyone and everyone is welcome!

Please join us at the Meetup at The Barn in Sisters.

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10:00 AM10:00

Community Builders Meeting: Explore Sisters

Do you like to build community? Come join us!

This month:

The first executive director of Explore Sisters, Scott Humpert will be sharing.

Explore Sisters, a new destination management organization (DMO), that will strive to balance community needs with fostering the evolution of the local tourism economy.

You can find more information in this Sisters Nugget article: Nugget News

Our meetings are hybrid events, so please email us at: director@citizens4community.com to let us know if you will need a Zoom link.

Scott Humpert is the executive director of the new Explore Sisters destination management organization. PHOTO BY SUE STAFFORD

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Let's Talk: Parks and Open Spaces
6:00 PM18:00

Let's Talk: Parks and Open Spaces

Please join us for this month’s “Let’s Talk: Parks and Open Spaces”

Join us in this conversation with local leaders guiding the use and development of Sisters Country's parks and open spaces.


Executive Director Emmy Andrews - Central Oregon Trail Alliance

Sisters Community Development Director - Scott Woodford

Kellen Klein – Sisters community member, C4C board member (moderator)

What topics?

  • Learn about the City's new parks master plan, the evolution of our local trail system, and how your voice can help guide future local recreational opportunities.

Sisters Trail Alliance


Central Oregon Trail Alliance


City of Sisters City Parks

Bring your questions, concerns, and ideas for how Sisters can continue to be an outdoorsperson's paradise.

Please RSVP to Josie at director@citizens4community.com if you have any questions or would like to get involved.

Please follow our Facebook page for any updates about the event.

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Follow-Up Q & A - Community Conversation about Emergency Preparedness
9:30 AM09:30

Follow-Up Q & A - Community Conversation about Emergency Preparedness

Sisters Country, are you "Prepared and Ready”?

Follow-up conversation to our Emergency preparedness event with a Q & A session and conversation.

Join us for an in-person community follow-up conversation from our Emergency Preparedness event. This follow-up will be hosted upstairs at Fika Coffee at 9:30 am on May 12th.

Session led by Executive Director Devin Thompson, McKenzie Valley Long-Term Recovery Group.

Citizens4Community (C4C) wants you to prepare for disasters and emergencies in Sisters Country... wildfires, earthquakes, snow and storm events. Get valuable information on how to prepare your family and property, get emergency alerts, follow evacuation routes, and utilize local, state and federal response and recovery services.

Citizens4Community is a nonpartisan and nonpolitical organization. We are dedicated to furthering civility, collaboration and civic engagement in Sisters Country. We offer tools and opportunities—like our monthly Let’s Talk series—to encourage respectful local discussions and to build trust and better understanding around local topics of interest.

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Community Conversation about Emergency Preparedness
6:00 PM18:00

Community Conversation about Emergency Preparedness

  • Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire Station (community room) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sisters Country, are you "Prepared and Ready”?

Please save the date for our next Community Conversation. The topic of this community forum will be Emergency Preparedness.

Join us for an in-person community conversation hosted at the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire Hall with speakers addressing “how to prepare for disasters and emergencies in Sisters Country.”

Doors Open at 5:30 p.m., Program 6-7:30 p.m.

Citizens4Community (C4C) wants you to prepare for disasters and emergencies in Sisters Country... wildfires, earthquakes, snow and storm events. Get valuable information on how to prepare your family and property, get emergency alerts, follow evacuation routes, and utilize local, state and federal response and recovery services.


C4C Forum Co-Chair Jim Barnett


Chief Roger Johnson, Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District

Sgt. Nathan Garibay, Deschutes County Emergency Services Manager

District Ranger Ian Reid, USFS Sisters

Carrie Sammons , Central & Eastern Oregon Chapter, American Red Cross

Executive Director Devin Thompson, McKenzie Valley Long-Term Recovery Group

Insurance Agent Tammy Taylor, Bisnett Insurance

Director Jack McGowan, Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District

  • Mission: to inform community of all possible disaster emergencies possible in Sisters Country. How to prepare and recover from each one.

  • “Take home “ valuefor everyone to be aware of what could happen to THEM personally and how to prepare ( i.e. emergency food and water supply, etc.) for it as much as possible.

Citizens4Community is a nonpartisan and nonpolitical organization. We are dedicated to furthering civility, collaboration and civic engagement in Sisters Country. We offer tools and opportunities—like our monthly Let’s Talk series—to encourage respectful local discussions and to build trust and better understanding around local topics of interest.

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Community Builders Meeting: Local Public Service Programming (continuation of discussion)
12:00 PM12:00

Community Builders Meeting: Local Public Service Programming (continuation of discussion)

Do you like to build community? Come join us!

Jim Goodwin from KJIV will continue the discussion on the possibilities of Sisters having local public service programming.

You can find more information in this local article: Nugget News

Our meetings are hybrid events, so please email us at: director@citizens4community.com to let us know if you will need a Zoom link.

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5:00 PM17:00

Tonight! C4C Meetup Reminder. All are Welcome.

A casual meet & greet organized by Citizens4Community.

Come meet your neighbors and find new friends! Fun ice breakers in a casual environment. A chance to ask questions about Sisters and get to know a few people at the same time.

Anyone and everyone is welcome!

Please join us at the Meetup at The Barn in Sisters.

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Community Builders Meeting: Local Public Service Programming
10:00 AM10:00

Community Builders Meeting: Local Public Service Programming

Do you like to build community? Come join us!

Jim Goodwin from KJIV will discuss the possibilities of Sisters having

local public service programming.

You can find more information in this local article: Nugget News

Our meetings are hybrid events, so please email us at: director@citizens4community.com to let us know if you will need a Zoom link.

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Let's Talk: Wildlife
6:00 PM18:00

Let's Talk: Wildlife

Please join us for this month’s “Let’s Talk: Wildlife”

Join us in this conversation with local biologists and wildlife experts!


Sarah Riutzel – Wildlife Biologist, USFS Sisters Ranger District

Susan Prince – Co-Founder, Wolf Welcome Committee

Reese Mercer – Program Director, Beaver Works Oregon

Mary Shivell – Board President, East Cascades Audubon Society

Kellen Klein – Sisters community member, C4C board member (moderator)

What topics?

  • What critters call Sisters Country home?

  • How are they reacting to recent growth and changes in our community?

  • How do our decisions and behaviors impact their ecosystems, populations, and way of life?

  • And what can we be doing to become better neighbors and stewards of local fauna?

    and more…

A little bit about Sarah Riutzel:

Sarah Riutzel is a native Oregonian and Wildlife Biologist with the US Forest Service. Currently on loan to the Sisters Ranger District through June 2023, Sarah has been a wildlife biologist serving the public land owners of Eastern Oregon since December 2020. Prior to rejoining the Forest Service in a permanent capacity, Sarah worked for the Quileute Tribe on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington as a Timber-Fish-Wildlife technician.

From Sarah  “I grew up in the Willamette Valley, and feel so fortunate to know the coastline, mountains, rivers, and forests of Oregon as intimately as I do. My natural resources background includes fire, fish, forestry, wildlife, and working closely with partners and collaborators. My time as a technician and as a professional has taken me all over Oregon and Washington, and my professional interests align closely with my personal love of the outdoors. Professionally, I have served on the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society board since February 2021.  I am interested in community outreach and conservation education, meadow and wetland habitat restoration, large mammal conservation and monitoring, and continuing to learn more about the diverse array of avian species that call Oregon home year-round and seasonally. I like to spend my free time exploring and hiking with my bloodhound, Theo, landscape photography, baking bread, and enjoying time with friends and family. I have spent many summers exploring the Willamette and Deschutes National Forests, and can remember a time when Sisters was a small town most known for Sno Cap’s amazing milkshakes.”

 More about Sarah.

Please RSVP to Josie at director@citizens4community.com if you have any questions or would like to get involved.

Please follow our Facebook page for any updates about the event.

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5:00 PM17:00

New and Old Neighbor Meet Up!

A casual meet & greet organized by Citizens4Community.

Come meet your neighbors and find new friends! Fun ice breakers in a causal environment. A chance to ask questions about Sisters and get to know a few people at the same time.

Anyone and everyone is welcome!

Please join us at the Meet Up at The Barn in Sisters.

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Let's Talk: Celebrating Women of Sisters Come hear their stories!
6:00 PM18:00

Let's Talk: Celebrating Women of Sisters Come hear their stories!

Please join us for this month's "Let's Talk: Celebrating Women of Sisters" at Paulina Springs Bookstore March 20, 2023, from 6-7:30PM. Please RSVP to Josie at director@citizens4community.com if you have any questions or would like to get involved.

A big thanks to Paulina Springs Bookstore for offering a 20% off coupon for any books by women authors and 20% off any books on their women's history display at the front counter. Available to anyone attending this event!

Please follow our Facebook page as we announce our guest speakers for the event and some of the amazing women to honor this month.

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